December 4, 2009.
Mark this day on my head. This is probably the funniest, embarrassing and yet fulfilling day in my life. I have not performed in front of every one since I was in College when I did that Mr. Bean Act to pass one of my subjects. I'm no performer but dancing that night away was worth it and I guess I was afraid that I will be mocked later on... but the people I am with right now, congratulated me instead... *odd* but they're different from the people I met before. I guess the change of environment hadn't stuck to me yet. But thanks to all the people... It was worth the show.
I went a bit sleepy due to alcohol. I had to drink one glass to remove the cold shiver on my body. Well, family hates me if I drink and I know I have weak alcohol tolerance so... you can expect me sleepy with even one bottle of san mig light.
Anyhow I manage to get home after 1 hour 31 mins and 42 secs waiting for a taxi. I did get home but hey, the bed was the best next thing I see. Well its sunday morning, got to prepare and attend the last day of COMMDAP, what ever it is. Ciao!