"I found one answer; that even if I’m scared, even if I’m hurt, I can say “I love you” to the person who I love"
- Sen no Yoru wo Koete (Overcome the Thousands of Nights)
Aqua Timez
It's hard to admit but I learned to protect the people around me even at the risk of my life. They mean all a lot to me and they all make me feel protected as well. It's a lesson I learned when I was back in highschool. There's this one person I'd promise I'd protect always and somehow through the course of time, I went from one place to another and finally forgot that person. I am somewhat arguing if I made the right choice of not pursuing her. I can't say I did or I can't say I should have. Probably by now she is in a better situation. Somewhere were someone would love her and take care as well. There were only 2 people I love most and somewhat they were very close to me. One broke my heart, one made my heart wait. But now, I am happy where I am. I am with the one person whom I know would not leave me. Call me hopeless romantic but that's how I see my wife.
On the side note, that damn ethereal necromancer will die in my hands! I swear, this sword, this great sword, no this bad ass great killing sword will rip to pieces! He will fall!
Moving forward... sorry about the commercial, I just had a bad AD&D encounter earlier this afternoon and now I know how an imaginary door feels to my character. As I note, it hurts and breaks a part of your body, my nose even. Again, moving forward, where was I? Ah yes, there are people whom I always wanted to protect and so are my loyalty. I am loyal to the person who have shown me true leadership and proper etiquette. I will not say who they are but there's plenty. But as long as the people are there, and they would need my help, i'll be there.
The phrase on top was from a song I am currently listening will typing this. It's not bad to say to the person you love, I love you, thou there's a possibility that you won't be love back but the brave part was you said it. Take it from one of hard gay's show where he helps this kendo student to propose to this girl. He said he like her but crash and burn. This is one of many ups and downs when you say you love someone. I will hurt but you shouldn't be that affected, you should be atleast proud of yourself, you said you love her and sum up all the courage you can. I for one, had lots of those crash and burn. Why? Hey, I am not handsome at all. I have a skin disease I got from my old man, a lazy attitude and yet somehow I am happy to be married. I want to ask her, why me? well I think I remember her telling me, that she loved me with no questions, of who I am, she cares not. As long as she knows she loves me and she'll keep it that way and as for me, I will always be in love with my wife. We will have our ups and downs, but that's life for you. You can't get the pleasure always. As for the person, falling in love can hurt but you will encounter it. My sister told me she has a 4th yr highschool as a boyfriend. I told her its ok by me, as long as, she is responsible. And I know she is. I trust her and I know she won't break my trust. Well, how should I end this?
Here, Love can be painful, yet the fruits of a successful love between two people is sweeter than the sweetest candy there is. Good luck and step on the plate, say to that person you love her/him. It will not hurt, well it will on the first but after that, you'd say, atleast I did it. And if they say sorry, then atleast on your end, you offered the greatest love you can offer. Later!
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