Music: Long Kiss Goodbye
Sung By: Halcali
Good morning St. Paul. I'm a bit happy. I got to talk with the family but there was bad news with it. Back at my parents home, my sister is still having issues with my mom. I got to fix that when i get home. On the other end, I am eating a sandwhich at bruegger's. Pb&j on garlic bagel. Odd breakfast, but delicious! I like it. Going back, woke up with bad knee, went to walgreens and they open at 11. So I wait here at bruegger's. And so here I am at a bench waiting for walgreens to open. My knee is still in pain. But thanks to the Garlic Bagel, it relieved the minor pain. Tip, garlic is a good temporary pain reliever, effective but not for long.
Disregarding the pain, I went to look for my office and somehow, I have a map but still missed it. But I did find it. Walked all the way back to my bench and waited for walgreens to open. In some way, St. Paul felt like home. There are people up and about and friendly. I don't feel, how you say this, feel different. They're also humans.
Ok ten things to note myself and comment for this day:
1. Going from one place to another, make sure to get the directions on the way back. I almost ended getting lost again thanks to my brilliant navigation skills.
2. When you cook, make sure it's not to oily! I ended 30 minutes trying to remove what I cooked for myself for lunch. My cooking skill is still not that of an edible cook as I must say.
3. Always have change and short bills. I learned this from an african guy who I met on the bus station on the way to Mall of America. $1.75 from 6th St to Mall of America. Thank you, whoever you were.
4. Ok, grocery is half done, I need to find fresh vegetables and meat. That goes to my mission log tomorrow.
5. IT'S 8:00 PM! I want to go to sleep but like the sun here is like 3:00 PM back home, how do you expect me sleep! Should have bought cover for my eyes. My time is now really messed up.
6. I finally got to Mall of America. Good: Lots of things to go about, Bad: I don't know what to buy. So I bought me 2 Shirts from Sears and 1 cute cloth for my daughter. Only shows I remember my daughter first before everyone else.

7. Ok there were people that asked me to buy something for them, if they happen to read this blog, do tell me what you want me to buy. I'm no mind reader nor do I recall your feet size, body size and other stuff.
8. I so wanted to buy 2 things wait, make it 3: PS3 or Xbox 360 or NDS XL. Which one to buy: Problem wife will kill me if I buy one of those without her god like permission. Well that is if she says yes. There's a forth, a camera. To take pictures of the place, But I need to buy first a sim card to have my phone working and a memstick on my phone.
9. When you miss home, make it like you really miss it. Mean it. I WANT TO GO HOME!
10. Prepare, Patience and Smile. 3 things I gotta have while I am here.
Ok my head is hurting now. Going back. So I got me Tylenol to remove my bad knee. Ok. I'm calling it quits for tonight. I still owe the story about what happened to me about getting here. But here's one I can't forget. As I was looking for walgreens yesterday, I got lost, I found another store, bought some of my grocery lists, but when I was about to get back, I don't know where I am. So the bad thing about it is, the first person or people I asked where the local St. Paul Police Officers patrolling. Guess what, I got a free ride back to the apartment, courtest of St. Paul's finest. How's that for getting lost. Ok, I told the story to Arthur and he made a mockery of me. My sense of direction is really that bad.
Anyhow, onto the serious side, I miss my home. But the sacrifice it meant is big. I need the money to get our house built. I'm gonna try save as much as I can. I plan to buy that big screen TV as well for our home. But til then, I need to save 500 dollars on this trip. On the other end, I gave Arthur the go to buy his LCD monitor. I'll fix things when I get home.
I'll take pics of the apartment tomorrow when I get home to show to my wife. Well, good night for me, or good morning! Damn it! It's 7:40 and its like 3:00 PM!!! Good night.
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