Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 4 - Your order... disaster burgers.

Song: Brave Song

Sung By: Aoi Tada

I'm no chef but so far this tells me, the burgers I made were a bit successful. I tried this back home but I had help from the wife. Now, it's just me. And I think, after having it for dinner, I'm learning. I have extra more so I think I can cook it til tomorrow evening. So I think, I can survive here and I think I can survive alone if I do happen to travel often.

I've been alone before. Growing up for me was a bit different. I'm used to having the company of myself but somehow, for this moment, how I wish I was not alone. I grew up somewhat in way used to playing alone and enjoying the company of being alone. But as I grew up, I learned to fear to be alone. I met a lot of people in my life and loved a few women. But to be honest, of all the reasons to have and say about marrying my wife and having a family is that I don't want to grow old alone. When I was a kid, I even mentioned that I'd not marry because I don't want company. Reason behind it, I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to hurt. But as I get to this stage in life, I don't want to wake up alone.

I took some pictures outside the window of my office. It's not decent but its a start. I wanted to show atleast how beautiful the place is to begin with which is completely different from back home. At some point, I do feel at home here but I do want my family here with me to enjoy the place. The people do say Hi to me even if they don't know me or who you are. Minnesotta Nice is what they call it.
Today was quite busy. Brian had given me some things to do which I got to a few to finish. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the new add on to my app which I am given responsibility to.
Other than that, I keep recalling how lucky and yet sad I am. Lucky to be here, but sad, cause I'm alone. I go home, no one to greet me as I come home. I wanted to go out right now just to buy something to remove my loneliness but I keep telling myself to wait til weekend. 30 more days, I guess. Time will surely fly. Just trying to think positive now I guess.
Brave song... Trying to be brave in this city. Well what else happened to me today?
I guess that's all. Nothing significant. Some of the stuff are personal now. As in very personal, and not to be placed here. Sorry.
I guess that's it. Maybe something good will happen tomorrow. I hope...

1 comment:

LoTcH said...

ei, max. u are in the US now? kaya mo yan, dude! this will be for how long? consider it a gift nlang.. ur family is just there waiting and cheering you on. lotch pala to.