Thursday, January 30, 2003

"Things change... people do also..."

I took me long to notice i wasn't able to log anything yesterday. But I think things will be going well for me and you know who. I just have to prove I am worth her love. that is. I have to change my actual way of living in order for her to accept me. Well right now, while typing this, I miss her. As of forever, she is a big part of me. I really want to be with her. I have to change styles, attitude, a lot. But if it's worth it, i have too. I never actually changed my attitude before but i guess this will be first. Oh one more thing, my money has not come in yet!. I'm flat broke! Got no more money but just ticket to go home. Poor me. Must learn to save also. But with regards to this, i am hoping to win her heart, even it costs me. She it that important to me, neh. I am smiling as of now, thinking I won't be ehem might be no longer alone. With all the internet sites offering me to meet people, i had some but thinking they are so far away, how can i meet them. So i'm sticking to her. she's worth all the time in the world for me. And i believe she is.

People say they cannot change. yes things change, seasons change, people don't according to some philosophy of man. But there will always be a time for everyone to turn from bad to good, better to best. We just have to find it in our heart to accept this changes. We cannot deny the fact we have our bad part of the apple. We have done to show we are human so we need to change and work on that bad part and be good to where we are not weak. If you are holding on to an old relationship, grow up from it. you'll find better men and who knows. Maybe this guy is the right who'll treat you right. If you're a failure in math, study. We need to change sometimes. Not for the worst but for the better so not only you who gets to become great and admires yourself, a lot of people will also enjoy your company and you yourself will be admired by others...

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